Missing Half the Population, the Rarest Penguin Is Endangered

Missing Half the Population, the Rarest Penguin Is Endangered - Coloring Pages

WELLINGTON - The population of the rarest species in the world, yellow-eyed penguins have disappeared almost half in one part of New Zealand. The conservation team believes that the cause is commercial fishing.

Yellow-eyed penguins or yellow-eyed penguins, are endemic in New Zealand, on the South Island and sub-Antarctic islands. In 2000 there were almost 7,000 birds and now there are only 1,600 to 1,800 in the wild.

In a recent survey of the Whenua Hou (Codfish Island) asylum island, the conservation staff department gained an alarming finding, with nearly half the penguin breeding population on the island gone. In other regions of New Zealand, bird populations are at the lowest level in 27 years.

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Kevin Hague, chief executive of Forest & Bird said that the island was free of predators, which proved that the animals were caught and drowned in trawl nets of commercial fish anglers. Only 3% of commercial trawlers have independent observers to report deaths during arrest.

"Unlike previous years when diseases and high temperatures caused death on land, this year birds have disappeared in the sea," Hague said.

Last year, 24 nests were recorded on Whenua Hou. However, this year was only found 14. The number of penguins has also declined in other parts of the South Island, and researchers are worried that these penguins are getting closer to extinction.

Sue Murray, general manager of the Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust said that the conservation team made every effort to save penguins. However, these birds face other threats from disease and climate change.

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"That belief has great concerns about the future of hoiho (yellow-eyed penguins) at Whenua Hou, which is experiencing a rapid decline. What we have to focus on is the marine environment where hoihos spend, at least, half their lives because it is impossible for a terrestrial impact to be a factor. main in the decline here, "he explained.

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These little penguins with yellow eyes can be found on the Banks Peninsula, near Christchurch, to the south like the sub-Antarctic islands. Thus quoted from The Guardian.

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