12+ Images Alligator Coloring Pages

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Alligators are animals that are still one tribe with crocodiles (Crocodilia family). The word Alligator comes from the Spanish "el laganto" which means "the lizard". Initially a group of colonists from Spain explored the swamps in the Florida region of Semenanjug and discovered this animal. When they saw this big lizard they gave the name el laganto. While the colony from France also discovered this animal, they called it Allagetra which means "swamp lizard". Finally, these two words were united by the British colony to become the Alligator.

Alligator has a very clear difference with crocodile, especially in the mouth and teeth. The alligator has a wider mouth, while the lips look neat covering the teeth. Crocodiles have a mouth that is rather long, shaped like a letter v, while the lips tend to be slightly open so that the teeth are visible even though the mouth is closed. The fourth tooth at the bottom of the crocodile looks poking.

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There are 5 species of Alligator in the world, but only two species still live, namely:
American Alligator (Alligator mississipiensis)
Chinese Alligator (Alligator sinensis)
In addition there are 6 species of Caiman, which is also an alligator family (in the Crocodilian family, which consists of 23 species)

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Origin Habitat
Alligator is only owned by two countries, namely USA and the People's Republic of China. Chinese alligators are currently in danger of extinction, and are only found on the Yangtze River. While American alligators are in the United States, from Carolina to the west along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico to Texas in the southeast. Most American Alligators are in the Louisiana region, southern Mississippi and the Florida Everglades. In the Florida region there are one million Alligators, even more. The environment where American alligators live is fresh water, such as rivers, swamps, ponds, and wetlands. While the Chinese Alligator only lives down the Yangtze River.

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Alligator lives alone. Both male and female if it is big enough to maintain its territory. Alligator prey are small animals that can be killed with a single bite. Even so sometimes the Alligator also preys on animals that have a larger size by gripping and immersing them in water so they die because they cannot breathe.


Alligators breed only in certain seasons. The mating season occurs during spring, because the water feels warm. Alligators include oviparous, breed them by laying eggs.

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