9 T1ps to Cultivate Honey Wasps - Bluelotus

Top 9 Ways to Cultivate Honey Wasps - Coloring Pages Animals

 Some animals produce benefits that are most beneficial to humans. One of them is wasp.

The most widely cultivated type is Honey Wasp, producing quality honey with good nutritional content. For livestock Honeybee itself is also not easy, this is because the wasps or bees can tear our skin with stings.

So, we will feel pain with the sting. Especially if someone is found to be destroying their home, or disturbing a group of wasps will be angry and attack. This is where it is difficult to do the honey wasp livestock. Then how can honey producers do this honey?

Of course there are special tricks to do it, it takes struggle and hard work. Honey may indeed be urine from wasps, but in fact many people are looking for pure honey for certain uses.

Among them, honey is good for health and beauty. A few more to mix a drink or food.

Well, for this reason honey is a successful business benchmark even though you still think about marketing later.

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1. Learn
Before starting to raise honey wasps, you need to study first. As already mentioned, there are several types of wasps that you should know about.

This is what you need to understand, because each type of wasp has a different character and has different aggressive levels.

2. Making Sarang
The first step in raising honey bees or honey wasps is to make a nest first.

Nest construction is entirely dependent on the climate behavior where the bees live. Also the time to start the nest also varies, this depends on the climate and local geography.

The best trick to make a nest is in the spring when it blooms, and avoid making it in the rainy season.

This is because during the spring, honey bees are more productive than usual because many flowers bloom this season.

3. Preparation of Protectors
You already know the answer, it is not easy to raise honey bees because they have the right weapons to attack humans, namely by stinging them.

Once someone gets the sting, don't wait long to experience swelling and if you are unusual, it can cause tremendous pain.

Well, for the next wasp livestock technique is to prepare war equipment, aka livestock equipment. Some of the equipment that you must buy are as follows:

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4. Hats & Veils
First, you need to prepare a hat and veil for use at work. These two items are enough to represent you when doing activities with wasps is not easily stung.

5. Jacket
Second, in addition to hats and veils you need to prepare a jacket. No need for luxury, you just have to buy the ordinary ones at affordable prices.

Moreover, do not use a jacket with jeans, because it will be a little inconvenient and heavy. Use a lightweight jacket to increase your protection later.

6. Gloves
Third, use gloves to protect your fingers or hands from the bees. Not complicated, some of the items that have been mentioned can be used.

7. Buying a superior seed
Before starting livestock, you need to buy the best quality wasp seeds. Seed selection will determine the quality of your harvest.

The superior honey wasp is considered more productive, so you have to really be able to sort out before buying it.

Putting Wasps in a New Home
After finishing making the wasp cage, move the seeds you have purchased at the house that you have prepared. Don't forget to use the protective equipment you have purchased.

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8. Feeding
Cultivating animals must of course prepare food for him. Pay attention to the correct feed you will give to bees or honey wasps. Actually, food for wasps is not too much money.

Without you having to waste money, using the existing environment is quite creative. Make a bee cage near the plantation, whether coffee or the like.

In addition, you can plant flowers around it to make it easier for the wasps to adapt and find their own food.

9. Determine the Queen
In this method of honey bee livestock, you must determine the queen. This goal is more useful to place on newer honey wasp colonies.

So that this will have a good effect on productivity and produce lots of quality honey.

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Paying attention to the location temperature
Pay close attention to the temperature at the location of the bee, as much as possible make the colony and queen feel comfortable.

But in addition, attention is not just to see the development of temperature. But you also have to be diligent to see the wasp condition, whether there are unhealthy and dead and other weak conditions.

If all stages have been completed, it is not impossible that you will reap the results. The harvest process will produce quality honey if you have prepared and done it very well and earnestly in the breeding stage.

Thus the article about the method of livestock Honey Bees that can be followed seriously by yourself if you want to become a breeder of honey wasps to produce pure honey with high quality that is rich in benefits. Good luck and good luck. Send regards for success!

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