Must Know 7 Ways Dogs Recognize Their Owner - BlueLotusDc
Must Know 7 Ways Dogs Recognize Their Employer - Coloring Pages
Having a pet must certainly be able to make it able to recognize the owner or employer. This condition also applies to dogs as one type of pet that is widely owned in Indonesian society.
To be able to make the dog recognize the employer, there needs to be some effort done on it. Here are some ways dogs recognize their employer and the effort that can be made to make the dog easier and faster to be able to recognize the owner.
Through his vision
Dogs that have understood which employer can directly recognize their employer from the face and the posture of the employer. To be able to make the dog recognize his employer through sight, the employer and the owner must often communicate with the dog and give several orders or train them at any time. With a high intensity of meeting, the dog will easily recognize the owner.
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Through smell
Dogs still have close relatives with wolves so they can have a very strong sense of smell. Even because of its ability, dogs are widely used to sniff out suspicious objects and become part of the police. Through olfaction too, dogs can be about the body odor that their employer has. The sense of smell is one way dogs recognize their employer.
Through his strong memory
A dog is one animal that has strong memories and is able to always memorize its employer. In addition, dogs include animals that do not know the time to store the memories of their owners. That way, how long a dog that has been very obedient and loyal to its owner is separated, in a way that the dog can still recognize his employer.
Through sensitivity owned
Dogs have separation anxiety which makes them always nervous when their employers leave, especially for dogs that are very close, loyal, and obedient to their employers. Through its sensitivity, dogs can directly recognize the faces of their owners even though they have been separated for a very long period of time.
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Through hearing
Giving orders to dogs is usually done by giving orders in the form of words in the voice spoken by the owner or employer. A dog that is accustomed to being given commands through voice will certainly keep the sound of the owner through his sharp memory. That way, one way dogs recognize their employer is through the sound produced by the employer.
Those are some common ways dogs can recognize their employer. In order for these recognition conditions to occur in dogs that are owned, there must be several ways to train the owner correctly. Some ways to train that need to be considered by the owner so that dogs can be obedient and easy about their employers, such as:
- Make the owner a group leader
- Establish good relations with dogs and keep their position under the owner.
- Do not give physical punishment when a dog does bad things, I give him a strict word to stop and ignore if he is still naughty, but do not make the appearance of a dog sign depressed.
- Communicate and interact with dogs regularly so they can immediately recognize their employer
- Try to maintain, train, and educate dogs since childhood so that dogs will automatically be able to recognize their owners more easily and about the characteristics of sick dogs.
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