13 Ways to Make Fermented Cow Feed - BlueLotusDc
Top ! 13 Ways to Make Fermented Cow Feed - Coloring Pages
There are many ways to make cows more nutritious and produce the best quality milk. One of them is by feeding fermentation. How to make? It's not difficult, here are the steps to make a good fermentation feed:
1. Quality of grass
Choose the right type of grass and grass varieties for pasture, to balance yield and quality during the specified reseeding period. Rye-grass is a common choice, with clover to increase yield and protein and reduce fertilizer demand such as fermentation to feed rabbits.
2. Nutrition
Low pH and nutrient levels will reduce the yield and quality of grass. Grass can use 2.5 kg / ha of nitrogen a day, so take samples of soil and account for grazed stock dirt, dirt and dirt.
In 30% dry matter, one ton of grass contains 2.1 kg of phosphate and 7.2 kg of potassium, so be sure to replace P and K regularly. Sulfur is also important, especially in later cuts in sandy and shallow soils.
3. Management of grasslands
Weeds will reduce feed yield and quality, so assess grasslands in spring and use herbicides if needed. Gundu will contaminate feed and can damage the machine. If the grass dies during the summer, hurry up beforehand to remove dead material, or mass grazing with sheep in late summer to encourage healthy regrowth.
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4. Time
It is important to assess your fermentation feed needs and cut according to not only on the date the contractor can make it or in a year you usually make silage.
Time is also relevant when it comes to application of fertilizers and herbicides, make sure they have enough time to work before harvest, otherwise it is a waste of money.
And, of course, it is very important when it withers. Grass must wither as quickly as possible, and of course no more than 48 hours. Try to cut the grass with 80% humidity (20% dry material) and put it to 25% dry material for the clamp, or 35-45% for bales. Make sure that the plot is properly given to harvesters to avoid contamination or waste of sheep with fermented feed.
5. Harvesting techniques
When it comes to harvesting, preparation is everything. Make sure the equipment is well maintained and ready to avoid costly damage at critical times. There are a number of different choices when it comes to cutting, tedding, sweeping and harvesting, so it is important to assess agricultural needs, labor availability and handling capacity to maximize feed efficiency and quality.
6. How to cut
The highest sugar content in the afternoon after the plants undergo photosynthesis, so this is the best time to cut, when the grassland is free of rain or dew.
- ads Choosing whether conditions can be difficult: Conditioning the wax cuticle resting on the leaves, speeding up the loss of water during wilting up to 20%. The problem is that if it rains, the leaves will absorb water faster.
- If using a conditioner, it is important to set it properly if it is too hard and will contaminate the grass and increase fuel use if it is too light and will not work. The stump height must be set at 5 cm and if you cut too low it will inhibit the regrowth of the grass, blunt the cutting blade, and increase the risk of contamination.
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7. Tedding
Tedding will speed up the wilting time, and mixing grass to provide a more uniform wilting and therefore more uniform quality.
Set the tedder height in the field, with 2-4cm tines above the ground. Move slowly and check if they scratch the ground or leave the grass behind. Too low and you will contaminate the silage and increase engine wear, too high and you will leave the grass mat behind.
It's also important to match the speed of your tractor with the PTO shaft RPM if you need to cover more land for wider spread, don't drive faster because it will affect feed quality such as goat cultivation with fermented feed
8. Raking
Presentation of plots to harvesters has a major impact on efficiency and quality, you want a flat grid for smooth, consistent grooves. Line up right before harvest so the quality of the grass remains too long in the plot and the top will be more wilted than the bottom.
9. Harvest Preparation
Harvesting techniques of farmers' choice depend on the type of silage they need. Many will use forage harvesters or carts for high-quality silage, with low-energy plants released to feed dry cattle.
When choosing equipment, make sure there is sufficient capacity to manage the plant in the clamp at the same time as harvesting, so that each stage of the silage making process can be done at the right time.
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10. Harvesting feed
Whether trailing or self-propelled, forage harvesters ensure long uniform cutting and get the plant to the clamp quickly. After being chopped, it can also be consolidated quickly. Having higher capital costs, this option will be chosen to adjust to the feeding regime.
11. Looking for a cart
Forage carts are cheaper to run than harvesters. However, less uniform silage will take longer to sweep and consolidate in clamps, although there is an argument that longer chop lengths are good for slowing down the digestive process of the cow.
12. Baler
The choice will depend on whether you want bales to be wrapped or not. Round combi-balers wrap on-themove, saving labor, but they are more expensive to buy. Square blocks must be wrapped separately but can be stacked and stored more easily.
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Good vs. bad feed
Good quality food must be light brown and tasty with a sweet aroma, and must be stored for years in anaerobic conditions. High carbohydrate content with low water content, there is a balance that can be found between yield and digestibility, because higher yields will be more flexible and of lower quality.
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The first cut will have higher energy, with cutting then becoming more fibrous. However, if the plant is too dry it will be difficult to compact and will have low sugar levels, which causes bad fermentation and decay.
Badly made feed will produce high waste because cows don't want to eat it. It can also make sick cows: Listeria, botulism and clostridia thrive on the soil and can be taken when harvesting grass.
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