Sumatran Tiger Family Clings in the Forest - Coloring Pages

Sumatran Tiger Family Clings in the Forest - Coloring Pages

Pekanbaru - The emergence of Sumatran Tigers in several districts in Riau has stolen the attention of many in recent years. This is evidence that Datuk Belang is still surviving amid the massive plantation and industrial plantation development in Riau since the 90s.

On the one hand, its appearance is also evidence that its habitat is disturbed because it shows its stripes in oil palm plantations, even into residential areas. Indragiri Hilir Regency is one example with the emergence of Bonita.

The female stripper even had time to pounce on two residents and make a sharp talk about the company employees who were active in the garden. Residents also became afraid to pass because they were always chased.

This conflict was resolved by the Central Office for Natural Resource Conservation, the police, the TNI and a group of wildlife lovers, although eventually Bonita was driven from the forest. He was evacuated to the Sumatran Tiger Rehabilitation Center in Dharmasraya, Jambi Province.

In addition to Bonita, it is suspected that there are still a number of tigers inhabiting forests in Riau. Including Rima and Uma who currently still inhabit one of the dense forests in Riau. This can be seen from a video released by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the World Wide Fund for Nature or WWF.

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The locations of Rima and Uma were deliberately kept secret because they were feared to be victims of poaching. Especially in this Lancang Kuning Earth there are still a lot of poaching, both those who have been captured or are still hanging around.

In the video, Rima and Uma were recorded as having an intimate encounter. Both of them ran in the middle of the thick forest, though occasionally glanced at surveillance cameras mounted on trees.

This Rima and Uma marriage yielded results. There were four tiger children who were born. All of these children always follow in the footsteps of their parents to comb the dense forest for prey.

The four children of unknown sex sometimes also play like older siblings with young people. The four of them ran happily and sometimes walked like people lined up.

According to the Head of Riau BBKSDA Suharyono, the presence of Rima and Uma and four of his children is good news in the government's efforts to safeguard the development of tigers in the wild.

"There are good developments," he said, Sunday (07/29/2018) afternoon.

He said, Riau BBKSDA had a target to increase the tiger population by 10 percent. Moreover, tigers are among the 25 threatened animals.

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According to Suharyono, the main threat to the existence of tigers is illegal trade from the result of poaching. A long trade chain, from the source to the final destination, is sometimes difficult to decipher.

"However, the law must be enforced, crime against wildlife must be stopped. Initiatives aimed at changing behavior are needed to reduce the demand for tiger body parts and their products must be eliminated," he explained.

Suharyono said, the main key to success in raising the tiger population is cooperation between the government, as well as WWF and the local community. The government must ensure that the community is the beneficiary of tiger conservation.

"The public must be encouraged to be able to choose and buy products that do not come from the destruction of tiger habitat," said Suharyono.

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Meanwhile, according to Chairman of Tigers Alive, Michael Baltzer, tigers are the main predator in the food chain. Tigers in nature play an important role to maintain the balance of ecosystems that support the survival of other species and also for humans.

However, the tiger has a critical status. At present, there are only 3900 wild tigers left in the world, and can only be found about five percent of their reach, compared to a century ago.

Sumatran Tiger Family Clings in the Forest - Coloring Pages

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tiger in forest coloring pages
Cute tiger Family in forest coloring sheet wild animals
Cute tiger Family in forest coloring sheet wild animals

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"This video is amazing evidence and proves that tigers breed like cats if they have protected habitats, have enough prey and are not hunted," he said.

Separately, the Director of Sumatra and Wildlife at WWF-Indonesia, Suhandri said, the existence of this video proves that the healthy Sumatran Tiger can breed well in central Sumatra (Riau).

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"This also shows a strong commitment from the Government of Indonesia and support from community partners and local governments and the international community to save tigers and their habitat," he explained.

"Recovery of tiger populations is the key for humans to live with the availability of natural resources," he added.

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