12 Ways of Farming Turtledove to Fast Lay Eggs

Top ! 12 Ways of Farming Turtledove to Fast Lay Eggs  - Best Coloring Sheet

As a farmer, of course the expected target is fast results so that it can be developed more and provide maximum benefits, buddy,

To achieve this, of course, must be balanced with the best care and additional tricks so that animals that are bred can have good quality and can produce offspring immediately.

Well, buddy, this should also be applied when the turtle bird, how to do it with the following tips, 12 Ways of Animal Breeding to Quickly Lay Eggs.

1. Best Feed

Turtle feed in the form of grains, consisting of a mixture of millet, black crab, milet, brown rice, red grain, canary seed, and godem. Feed mixture is cultivated according to the preference of turtle birds.

A good turtle bird feed, the condition is still new and fresh, odorless. Food that has been long, is not once offered because it can cause health problems for the turtle bird. Grains of feed ingredients must be chosen which contains, mentes, and not to be porous, disease free, and clean.

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2. Give Feed According to Health Conditions

The feeding of turtle birds is adjusted to the needs, this is to maintain the condition of the turtle bird's body. Turtles that are bred with turtles for different feeding competitions.

Feed consumption of turtle birds is approximately 10% of body weight. However, in order not to run out of food, you should be given more feed as a backup. Likewise, drinking should not run out, drinking water must always be clean, new, and fresh.

3. Comfortable Cage

In livestock cages, you should be given sand, rocks, or red brick fragments. This provision is intended so that turtle birds can feed rocks / sand as pickles and as a tool to digest food and are a source of minerals.

4. Give Vitamin

In addition to providing additional feed, turtle birds also need a source of vitamin intake, because vitamins cannot be obtained from the feed that you give each day, therefore, you are obliged to give them your own portion of the turtle.

Many types of vitamins that you can give to the turtle bird turtle friend, good vitamin made by the manufacturer, concocting your own friend. .

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5. Good types of vitamins

This type of vitamin that is very good for you to give to turtle birds is a type of fish vitamin, a type of vitamin B complex, vitamin E, or various types of vitamins that are specifically for enhancing the appetite of a turtle parent, all depends on its usefulness.

6. Give Vitamins with Portions According to Needs

In the procedure for administering vitamins to turtle birds, it is not good if you give each day, give the vitamin only 4-5 days, but routinely and alternately the type of vitamin you give, for example tomorrow the vitamin B complex, you can give the next day vitamin E so on.

For the technique of giving procedures are also very diverse there are mixed using drinking water, there are also direct drops to the mouth of the bird turtle, and not infrequently who directly inject the vitamin so that the efficacy is more quickly felt.

But the usual friend can give through a mixture of water which is more often applied, besides being easier this way is also classified as the absence of coercion that can cause the turtle to experience stress or even infrequently can get sick if wrong in the technique of giving.

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As a result, if the turtle bird has experienced stress and pain, it takes a long time to cure it, preferably in the procedure of giving vitamins friends at home give it through drinking water, especially if you are a beginner to pursue the world of turtle birds.

What was feared later would have fatal consequences, the desire to give the best to the turtle bird friend at home, on the contrary, the turtle bird experienced stress, pain and severe turtle bird lazy to ring.

7. Perfect matchmaking

Before pairing a turtle bird, my friend must ensure that the sex of the turtle must be male and female to be able to breed. The turtle birdling can be done from 2 things / conditions namely when you are adults and adults

8. Care When a toddler

In pairing a turtle bird at the time of worship, the condition of a turtle bird can already be seen for the type of kelaminya for turtle age 1 month. because of these age conditions the turtle bird can feed itself. If it is clear that male and female sex can directly enter the livestock cage.

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9. Care Towards Adults

For match-matched turtle birds that have grown up in the matchmaking process, the female turtle bird enters the cattle cage first, for a new week after that, enter the male turtle bird in the afternoon between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., after male and female put in one cage monitor back from the two turtle birds

whether a male turtle pecks a female turtle bird if it takes a male turtle bird to tie its wings 11 sheets, because the potential of male turtles when pecking females sometimes uses its wings to knock (hit) after that can be seen not from a turtle bird friend the match.

10. Give Vitamins to Increase Lust and Accelerate Spawn

Vitalur Can be used as an additional nutrient so that the fast turtle in the process of increasing lust, for the gift can be given directly or mixed with drinking water from turtle birds. Egg stimulant is used as an additional nutrient so that the turtle bird is fast in the process of laying eggs, for the gift can be mixed with feed or drinking water from the turtle bird.

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11. Vitamins for Egg Quality

The mineral egg is used as an additional nutrient to maintain the quality of the turtle bird eggs.

12. Vitamins For Fast Big Piyik

For giving voer / piyik. Can be given when the bird turtles when caring for the baby before it can feed itself and can be given to the turtle bird which is still the chirping category whose goal is to accelerate the growth of turtle birds.

Thus, the writer can convey, hopefully it will become a quality insight and can be a guide for you so that you can make maximum profit. Finally, the author said Thank You.

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