Stingray Coloring Pages Print

Tips to Avoid Stingray Coloring Pages Animals 

It will be better and less painful than prevention (anticipation) compared to treatment. Here are some tips to avoid stingray attacks:

Use safe clothes (safety)
Avoid areas that are prone to stingray attacks
Be aware of the slightly protruding sand because of the possibility of stingrays clouding behind the sand

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Stingray Coloring Pages Print

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How Much Stingray Danger?
At the extreme, we can look in the Irwin case: death. However, the true stingray is an animal that is classified as benign. He will only attack to defend himself from threats. However, people commonly walk in the air by stepping foot, not dragging him, Brandenburg is worth a stomp and sting on the legs or lower legs.

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Stingray poison is not fatal, it only causes pain. Of course the story is different if you get rid of the rays and about the organs in you. In Irwin's case, a stinging sting ray and tear the heart. Irwin pulled it out, and made the torn tissue worse. Meanwhile, Bertakis is equally involved in the chest involving the heart before the surgeon operates.

The strength of the thorn sting on the ray is in the middle of the tail or near the base of the tail, about 2/3 along the tail. Its length is about 20 cm and is enclosed by a membrane containing toxins. When stung, the stingrays will penetrate the veil of the poison causing pain in the wound.

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This spiny tail is very sharp and can penetrate the bone. The sabetannya button compared to that launched into the body. The tail is also very flexible, can bend almost any direction in a fraction of a second, so it can cause serious injury.

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