Cute Cartoon Puppy Coloring Pages For Kids
7 Stages of Dog Development Required by Dog Owner
The most important time in puppy development is during the first year of life, especially during the first 3 months of life. By understanding their developmental stages, we can provide what they need and when they need it so optimally.
Let's look at what stages they went through, but first remember that the stages to be discussed below are dog stages in general. Each dog may be different, some are faster and some are slower.
Best Collection Puppy Coloring pages For Kids
Stage 1: Transition Phase (2-3 weeks of age)
The transition phase generally takes place from the age of two to three weeks. At this stage, your puppy's eyes will open and they will slowly begin responding to the light, movement, and surrounding sound. They will start to move a bit, trying to move their legs and crawl. They will also begin to recognize the parent and his brother and every object you place nearby.
Stage 2: The "almost" stage is ready to see the world (3-4 weeks of age)
Your puppy will begin to experience rapid sensory development during this stage and be wary of the environment. They will begin to recognize you and other family members. During this stage, you should avoid loud noise or sudden changes because negative events can have a serious effect on personality and development. Puppy learns how to be a dog during this stage, so it is very important for them to live together with their mother and siblings.

Stage 3: Stage of social development (age 4-7 weeks)
From the age of 3-4 weeks, your puppy will begin the most important period of social development in his life. They learn to interact socially with their brothers, learn how to play and learn to control bite / bite without bite (bite inhibition).
Bite inhibition is an important factor in dog socialization and is usually studied as part of play behavior in puppies while they are with their parents and relatives. By biting each other during play, puppies will learn that if biting their playmates is too strong it will stop their playing activities.
At this stage, puppies will also learn discipline. Parent dogs will feed the puppies and begin teaching them about basic obedience, including accepting her (the parent) as a pack leader.
You can begin to introduce solid foods to puppies from about 4 weeks of age gradually to the transition from the parent asi. Keep handling puppies every day, but do not separate them either from the parent or his brother for more than 10 minutes per day. The puppies separated from the nest too early (where the host and sibling are) will usually lead to the puppy becoming nervous, tending to bark and bite and more difficult to socialize and train. The puppies must be with their mother and siblings at least until the age of 7 weeks and better if longer than that for optimal and stable social development.
Experts say that the best time in a puppy's life to learn social skills is between the ages of 3 and 16 weeks. Here is your chance to make sure that your puppy grows into a dog with a good personality. It is very important to let your puppy with his mother and sister as long as possible at this stage. Do not scold puppies who play fights, pee / pup falsehood or mouthing (light bite) because it is normal behavior for puppies at this stage.
Stage 4: Stage "I'm scared of everything" (8 weeks-3 months)
This stage lasts from the ages of 8 to 3 months, and is characterized by easy learning as well as the usual "fear period" around the age of 8 to 10 weeks. Not all, but most dogs experience it and they will look terrified of everything they have not known. At this stage the dog should not be given strict discipline, loud noises or events that can make him traumatized.
At this stage, your puppy's bladder and bowel may begin to be controlled properly and he or she is able to sleep through the night (finally, you can rest). You can start teaching him simple commands like: come, sit, stay, down, etc. Leash training can begin. It is important not to keep your puppy away from human contact at this stage, as he will continue to learn the behaviors and ordinances that will affect him in the years to come.
Stage 5: Stage Toddler (ages 3-4 months)
At this time your puppy will mostly behave like a toddler. They will become a little more independent, will probably begin to ignore your orders that he just learned like a child who is trying to enjoy his freedom. It's like "I do not have to listen to you!". What is needed here is a firm and gentle reinforcement on the commands and training provided.
He will probably start biting you, starting from biting into play or even biting as his attempt to challenge your authority. A sharp command "NO!" Or "No bite!" Followed by a few minutes of ignoring it, should solve this problem.
Keep playing with him and take care of his everyday needs, but do not play games like tug of war or wrestling with him. As his strength grows, he will fight against you to see who is stronger and even if you win, the message your dog receives is that fighting with you is natural. And that is certainly not a natural thing!
Stage 6: Stage is naughty (4-6 months of age)
At this stage, your pup will show more independence and desire of will. You may see a desire to please you less and see mischievous behaviors that might test your limit of patience.
At this stage too, the puppy will experience a tooth cycle and will start looking for something to be chewed / chewed to ease the pain and pressure it feels. Frozen dogs' bones can help him calm him during this period.
The puppy will try to assert "dominance" over other family members, especially children. Continue to practice compliance and basic commands to your puppy but be sure to never release the leash during that time unless you are in a safe area. Most puppies will ignore orders to return or come to their owners, which can be dangerous. If you release him in a public place with no chance of injury or could even result in the death of your puppy, one example is hit by a car.
They will also begin to experience hormonal changes as they grow into adulthood and you may see signs of rebellion (think like a teenager).
Stage 7: Stage of Youth (6-18 months old)
This stage is usually a fun time in your dog's life. They are young, energetic, energetic and he will learn all the things needed to become a real dog.
At this stage, gradually add your dog activity and training. You can start more difficult training during this period, such as herding or agility training (if this is what you and your dog enjoy) or can do other training. If not, expand your dog's activities involving more people and other animals. And also, allowing him to interact with other dogs that are not aggressive and non-threatening.
Congratulations! You have raised your puppy through 7 stages of development and now you have an adult dog! It almost feels like raising a child, is not it?
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