Stegosaurus Dinosaur Coloring Pages

Best Of Stegosaurus Coloring Pages For Kids - BlueLotusDc

Stegosaurus has the meaning of "roofed lizard". This is because this animal has a pair of large scales on its back. In Greek stego means a plate or a roof, while saurus means a lizard. Stegosaurus is in the genus of large herbivorous dinosaurs from the beginning of Jurassic park in the northern American continent. Species Stegosaurus is very easily recognizable because of a pair of large scales that cross each other on its back and two pairs of long spines on its tail.

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Palaentological experts have debated about the scales on Stegosaurus's back. Judging from the fossils the scales are located on the level of the back muscles. Palaeologists say that the scales have blood vessels. This opinion arises because when Stegosaurus dies and turns into fossils, the scales are loose and overlap.

The first opinion is that the scales cover all of his back. The second opinion is that the scales are arranged upright. A third opinion stated that the scales crossed each other and stood tall. This third opinion is most often followed.

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There is one thing that easily causes misunderstanding, namely the presence of a cavity located at the tip of the tail. Palaentologis used to think that in the cavity there is the brain of Stegosaurus. With this opinion the experts consider Stegosaurus to be the smartest dinosaur because of the two brains, one on the head, and the other in the tail cavity. But now it is known that this opinion is wrong. Stegosaurus eternyata has a brain just as big as a golf ball, so this dinosaur is not as smart. The cavity in the tail turns out to contain no brain. This cavity is the place where the tail muscles attach with a very strong attachment. With this condition, the tail becomes a tool of self defense if there is an attack from the opponent. This tail can be swung with great strength plus thorns at the end of its tail, so that not all animals dare to deal with Stegosaurus.

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