Brontosaurus Dinosaurs Coloring Pages

Brontosaurus is again crowned as a separate type Coloring Pages Animals

The name Brontosaurus again gained its identity as a separate genus of long-necked dinosaurs, after more than a century it was included in the genus Apatosaurus.

Paleontologists from Europe wrote in a journal published on the website, that although Brontosaurus has a long neck but there is a difference with Apatosaurus.

Two long-necked dinosaurs previously classified as Apatosaurus had to migrate their genus to Brontosaurus.

This decision was taken by scientists after they reviewed all members of Diplodocidae or the longest creature ever on Earth from a family of dinosaurs.

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The name Brontosaurus excelsus which means "lightning lizard" was used in 1879. But in 1903, paleontologists decided that Brontosaurus excelsus was very similar to Apatosaurus.

Brontosaurus was renamed Apatosaurus excelsus. However, the name Brontosaurus is still very attached to the public mind.

The American Museum of Natural History in New York, USA, is one of the museums that did not renew the Brontosaurus name label into Apatosaurus in the animal's skeleton.

"People know long-necked dinosaurs as Brontosaurus. Brontosaurus has never really gone, especially in popular culture," said Matthew Mossbrucker, a paleontologist at the Morrison Natural History Museum in Colorado.

Mossbrucker himself, is a paleontologist who agrees with the analysis which says Brontosaurus excelsus deserves to be recognized as its own genus.

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Paleontologists examined 81 skeletons of diplodocids (a family of dinosaurs which also had famous Diplodus genus features) and related dinosaurs, comparing more than 400 features in animal bones.

Brontosaurus is called by scientists quite different from Apatosaurus. Although there are some subtle differences between the two, Apatosaurus has a bigger and stronger neck.

"Apatosaurs are generally stronger than Brontosaurus, although both are very large," said one of the authors in the study, Emanuel Tschopp, a paleontologist at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Monte de Caparica, Portugal.

These findings indicate, Brontosaurus is not the only dinosaur that may have been misclassified. Tschopp and identifying diplodocids they call Galeamopus are worthy of their own genus.

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The European scientists gave the Brontosaurus classification to the paleontology community. Daphne Fautin, Vice President of the International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature, which guides the scientific name setting for animals, says that the current step is controlling public opinion.

"If people use names made or proposed by an author, then that perspective has credibility. If their opinions are rejected, people will not use that name," said Daphne.

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