Extinct, This Sea Shellfish Was Found - Coloring Pages

Extinct, This Sea Shellfish Was Found Headless - Coloring Pages

MOSCWA - A headless bullock skeleton recently discovered in northeastern Russia. The discovery helped researchers solve some of the mysteries about this extinct large animal.

Daryl Domning, a Steller seaweed anatomy and expert professor at Howard University, Washington D.C, who was not involved in the findings, said researchers were not sure how many spines (which form the backbone) of the Steller sea cow and what their fins looked like.

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Researcher Marina Shitova discovered the Steller sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas) during a routine survey at the Komandorsky Nature Reserve coastline. He saw the ribs of the dead creature sticking out of the sand and gravel. A few days later, he returned to dig up his bones, which took 8 people for 4 hours to look for.

The frame has a length of 5.2 meters. However, coupled with the length of the missing part (including the head), the sea ox is about 6 meters in size while still alive.

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Domning said, this is a wonderful thing to find a new specimen completely. Over the past 200 years, researchers have found H. gigas fragments.

Because they have incomplete specimens, the researchers collected bone skeletons. The last time the researchers found the almost complete Steller seaweed skeleton 30 years ago, when a 3 meter long specimen was found on Bering Island, Russia.

"However, it is not as complete as this newly discovered one," said Domning. According to his statement, the newly discovered skeleton will be exhibited at Nature Reserve Komandorsky. Similarly, as reported by Live Science.

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